LHC Schools and Community Buildings Framework Success image

LHC Schools and Community Buildings Framework Success

Following an intensive selection process which saw 282 applicants whittled down to a final group of 25, KInd & Company, as part of the Kind Diamond Build Consortium (KDC) successfully qualified for two Lots in the LHC Schools and Community Buildings framework. These are £0-£2M (new-build) in … read more »

Larkfield Extra Care Sheme is 'Topped Out' image

Larkfield Extra Care Sheme is 'Topped Out'

As its spring 2018 completion date approaches, the new Martin Square extra care housing scheme reached a key milestone in the development last week, as the highest point of the structure was completed. Representatives of The Abbeyfield Kent Society and Kind & Company, came together on 7th … read more »

Kind Success at the Inaugural Builders' Conference Awards image

Kind Success at the Inaugural Builders' Conference Awards

Kind & Company is pleased to be named as a winners in the 'Excellence in Site Delivery' category at the recently held Builders' Conference Awards. The long established event at London's Savoy Hotel this year evolved into one more focused on celebrating successes from right across the … read more »

Sutton Projects' Progress Recognised image

Sutton Projects' Progress Recognised

Following a visit to the sites Kind are delivering for the London Borough of Sutton, the council has issued a press release highlighting the significant progress being made on the £20M+ contract . These are the first homes built by the council for nearly thirty years and along with the pride of … read more »

High Score for Considerate Constructors Scheme

Site Manager James Bowyer and the delivery team on our Richmond Green project for the the London Borough of Sutton have achieved Performance Beyond Compliance with a score of 43/50 for their latest Considerate Constructors Scheme inspection. Kind & Company regularly achieves this standard … read more »

Richmond Green 'Meet the Contractor' image

Richmond Green 'Meet the Contractor'

Kind & Company in association with its client, the London Borough of Sutton recently held a 'Meet the Contractor' event at the Richmond Green site. Over 400 invitations were issued to local residents to come and view the site and meet representatives from the council and Kind. Interest was keen … read more »

Deputy Mayor of London Visits Two of Our Sutton Sites image

Deputy Mayor of London Visits Two of Our Sutton Sites

As building work continues on Kind & Company’s projects for Sutton Council, the Deputy Mayor of London for Housing and Residential Development toured the new build council home sites on Wednesday 1st August to see the progress being made. James Murray was given a tour of the new build sites … read more »

Fellowes Road Houses Handed Over to Sutton Council image

Fellowes Road Houses Handed Over to Sutton Council

Kind & Company have handed over the first 15 of 93 new council homes to Sutton Council at an event attended by the Mayor of Sutton; council executives and members; representatives of the design and management teams; the Kind delivery team and the first two tenants allocated to the … read more »

Commemorating the Armistice Centenary image

Commemorating the Armistice Centenary

As part of preparations for the Armistice centenary, Site Manager Danny Jones presented £500 to the North Stifford Village Group. We also laid concrete bases for new seating around the village war memorial. In addition to the Armistice activities, the money is contributing to other village events … read more »