LHC Schools and Community Buildings Framework Success
Published 1 February 2018

Following an intensive selection process which saw 282 applicants whittled down to a final group of 25, KInd & Company, as part of the Kind Diamond Build Consortium (KDC) successfully qualified for two Lots in the LHC Schools and Community Buildings framework. These are £0-£2M (new-build) in which we are one of two contractors covering the London area, and £2M-£4M (new-build and refurb) where we are one of three. Potentially worth £500M, the framework is due to run until 2021.
The LHC framework for schools and community buildings is available to all local authorities,housing associations and other public sector bodies in England, Wales and Scotland. Fully OJEU compliant, this framework offers the provision of new build projects, extensions,refurbishment and associated works with a design service for school and community buildings projects. The following types of building can be provided through this framework:
- Education Buildings
- Healthcare Buildings
- Emergency Services Buildings
- Community Buildings