Continuing to deliver Passivhaus Projects for Newham image

Continuing to deliver Passivhaus Projects for Newham

At Kind & Co we are delighted to announce we have recently been awarded a further two residential schemes for the London Borough of Newham, combined these two projects will bring an additional 49 affordable Passivhaus homes to this east London borough.      Morse … read more »

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Talk To Us Month

This month we are supporting the Lighthouse Club Charity’s ‘Talk to us Month’, the Lighthouse Club are raising awareness of the importance of talking about wellbeing issues, whether it’s a chat with a family member, friend or colleague or by accessing professional help and support via the … read more »

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75th+2 Anniversary Celebration

On Friday evening our board of directors were pleased to welcome our employees to The Law Society in Chancery Lane, as our company finally got the opportunity to celebrate our milestone 75th Anniversary - which we were unable to celebrate in 2020 due to lockdown restrictions. It was a fabulous … read more »

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Dame Judith Hackitt Talks to CIOB

The Building Safety Act became law on the 28th of April this year. Dame Judith Hackett says “it is unfathomable to me why people have still not woken up to the need for a very different approach to building safety”.  Planning gateway one aims to ensure developers consider fire safety needs … read more »

Men's Health Week Posters On Site image

Men's Health Week Posters On Site

Take a look at our Men's Health Week 2022 posters that have been displayed on each of our sites! These posters include a QR code offering additional information, about how to access healthcare help and support our employees and all visitors to our sites may need! … read more »

Men's Health Week image

Men's Health Week

This week is men's health week, which is an annual campaign designed to give men & boys access to important information about how they can help themselves live healthier, longer, and more fulfilling lives. With a particular focus this year on the importance of getting a man MOT- by encouraging … read more »

AJ Retrofit Awards - Winner! image

AJ Retrofit Awards - Winner!

We are delighted to announce that our scheme Lambourn Close won the housing award at last night's Architects Journal Retrofit Awards!  This award recognises the commitment of the team to deliver sustainable, innovative ways of working and above all teamwork, as the judging panel said: "This is a … read more »

The Building Safety Bill Has Become Law image

The Building Safety Bill Has Become Law

The Building Safety Bill has now been made law.  Today, we were pleased to attend the FBE breakfast seminar and networking event. A very informative seminar regarding the Building Safety Bill and Secondary Legislation - a timely topic following our announcement last week, that this Bill has … read more »